Checking class through “instanceof”“instanceof” operator allows to check if an object belongs to a certain class. Such check may be necessary in many cases.Jan 3, 2023Jan 3, 2023
Overriding class fieldswe can not only override methods but also fields . However there is tricky behavior when we access to the overridden field in the parent…Jan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
Object propertiesObject.preventExtensions(obj) : Forbids the addition of new properties to the object.Jan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
StringsIn JavaScript, the textual data is stored as strings. in addition to that the internal format for strings is always UTF-16, strings can be…Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
Scroll eventDom elements have their current scroll state in their scrollLeft/scrollTop properties.Dec 14, 2022Dec 14, 2022
Element size and scrollinghere is the general overview of the geometry about an element sizeDec 14, 2022Dec 14, 2022
className and classListchanging the class one of the most often used methods in js. the elemt.className corresponds to the “class” attributeDec 12, 2022Dec 12, 2022
HTML attributesSo when an element has id or another standard attribute, the corresponding property gets created. But that doesn’t happen if the attribute…Dec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
Node properties — episode -2if you didn’t read the first episode i recommend visiting that then return here. otherwise there might be some questions left hanging .Dec 4, 2022Dec 4, 2022